Department of Marathi

About Us

                        The UG department of Marathi was started in 1991. It provides knowledge in Marathi Communication, Literature and Linguistics. Our department seeks to develop the students through teaching of language, literature and social values. It offers BA in Marathi. It offers Short term entitled Certificate Course Writing Skills for print Media. The faculty is involved in research. The faculty has published research papers in various peer reviewed national and international journals .To facilitate the teaching-learning process, the department uses modern technology such as ICT and Social Media.

Vision -

To promote use of Marathi Language at global front through language, Literature and Culture.

Mission -

• To create awareness of Marathi Language.

• To develop creativity and skills of language among the student.

• To enhance Marathi language proficiency.

Goals -

• To create Career Opportunity for the students.

• To develop overall personality of students.

• To develop the hidden skills of Marathi language among the students.